Germnil Shower Gel Lavender 250 ml
- সোডিয়াম পাইরোলিডোন কার্বোক্সিলেট, টেট্রাসোডিয়াম ইডিটিএ, সোডিয়াম লরাইল ইথার সালফেট এবং অন্যান্য 3in1 Formula (Hair, Face & Body)It is not only replacing traditional bar soap, but also face wash and shampoo. Saving time, money and space. The new shower gel foams up easily, a little goes a long way and the classic scent lingers nicely on the skin. The real elegancy of this product is the abundance of moisturizing agent, gives the soothing effect on skin and hair & makes you seriously hydrated.